
how to
How to convert super 8 film to digital
If you’re reading this, it’s likely you didn’t have DVD stacked upon DVD in your childhood household. Maybe you’re more used to watching a movie through a film format? And the term USB device makes you cock your head to one side? This is in no way to shame you. In fact, it’s to give...
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How to become a film director
If you’re an aspiring film director, you can likely point to a single moment that changed your life. Maybe you loved going to the video store as a kid. You picked out movies like it was already your career. And you watched them over and over to get an understanding of the film industry. It...
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how to get good audio when filming
If you are working on a major film production, you will likely have a team dedicated to audio that includes recording engineers, sound mixers, and so forth. Sometimes, though, you have to make your audio sound great with what you’ve got, and that may not always include an entire team or big budget. Still, there...
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how to set up a home music studio
Make Music Right Where You Are with a Home Studio Technology affects the evolution of every industry, and the music business is no different. Having a home recording studio was a real rarity available only to the elite for many years. With the advent of the digital audio workstation (DAW) and other advances in digital...
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